I am able to tap into the latest trends and styles to produce my own unique look and blend this with clients to complement their ranges and design styles.

Highly methodical using in-depth fashion research to develop my own concepts producing either one-off pieces or entire collections.

I have international experience with a prime focus on the London fashion scene and can use my international influences to create new and inspirational styles.

I can design collections, source fabric, and cost production with expert scheduling skills to meet all client deadlines.

I have a professional portfolio, visualising my unique style, fashion and textile ideas and projects to express my capabilities to the potential clients requiring Humanimal Consultancy Ltd’s services.

Humanimal Consultancy is an avant-garde fashion design company creating new designs for designers and fashion houses for one-off and mass production. Providing a comprehensive research and design service, Humanimal Consultancy can then support brands with expert sales and marketing developement to raise their profiles and sales. Humanimal Consultancy is the industry partner of choice to secure sales and grow market share for new labels and established brands with distinctive clothes and styles.

don't be perfect, be real.

don't be perfect, be real.

